I find, I'm this person who still wants to achieve. I work hard for these things, no, I didn't find these things in a paying job, but I did find this work to be work. I enjoy it so much. It gives me this high, a high of life before RSD. Before RSD I got this mania from being Bipolar and often the mood swings that came along with it, today it has been a bit refined. It had to be, otherwise I was going to be stuck in this world of pain. Not just physical but mental pain. I was a fighter, right? Yes, YES I WAS! I am going to fight the best way I know how.
We all seem to do what is the easiest right? I found that I could help other's understand how, life with RSD didn't have to be this horrid game of DRs and medication. Not everyone can do this and it doesn't ever mean that I won't go back to it again. I'm still a stage 1. It does not mean I'm lucky or that I got it easier. We all have our bad days along with what I call a bit of salvation from something much more powerful than me and RSD. This also doesn't mean that I'm thumping up on the Bible either. It just means, I'm human.
I worked my fanny off last night for the other RSDers and my hubby, he worked hard for us too. He works his fanny off (it is gone already) shhhh, for the caregiver and the RSDer. Does it mean we will try and fix. HECK NO! Just to help to understand, understand what it is like, what options are out there, our experience and most of all, that you are in control of so much. You have the power much more than any DR has to help yourself.
Yes you! You with proper knowledge can make your life a bit better. When we are armed with knowledge, we are impowering ourselves to the greatest of our ability. When you are armed you make better decisions too, not just for you but for the entire family unit. Why?
I might piss people off with this or they may look upon me different but that's OK too! We are all unique!
Because, I care!
I love you Mandy!